Tag Archives: tummy tuck delaware

Cosmetic Surgery Nutrition Delaware : Cosmetic Surgery Nutrition Pennsylvania – Part One

Many patients have questions after that focus on diet and cosmetic surgery nutrition. How do I best lose weight? What is the best diet?

What exercise program is recommended? Cosmetic surgery patients often ask for information on nutrition after tummy tuck or post tummy tuck diet. Similar questions from Delaware or Pennsylvania patients arise for nutrition after liposuction or a liposuction diet plan. This educational writing focuses on diet and nutrition in relation to cosmetic surgery. Part One focuses on general concepts,Part Two focuses on more specific issues, and Part Three will give food, calorie, and fat diet advice. These plans can really work! Please see tummy tuck Delaware or tummy tuck Pennsylvania before and after photos.

“Fat is the enemy!”

The goal of many cosmetic surgery operations is to be made smaller and thinner. Liposuction, tummy tuck, and many operations target fat and fat cells. The operations try to achieve significant reductions in fat cells and volume. However, the best results are when the patient understands there are limitations to what surgery can do. Diet, exercise and nutrition should start where surgery stops and make the results even better. It is extremely important to understand that diet and exercise are “part of” the best cosmetic surgery results. Some call this cosmetic surgery nutrition or cosmetic surgery diet plans. It is also called common sense.

“Exercise regularly and don’t eat crap!”

Many people are looking for the easy way out. The diet that “tricks” the body and leads to weight loss without hard work. Diets are hard for most people. There are no tricks! You can not eat “crap food” and be sedentary and maintain significant weight loss. Many scientific studies have shown that “fad” diets don’t last, and I do not recommend them.

Exercise regularly and don’t eat crap!! This is the diet after cosmetic surgery that will wrok for most people. This is the liposuction diet plan and nutrition after tummy tuck that has been shown to work. It’s not easy. It’s hard! But it is often extremely successful.

“Outside fat is the tip of the iceberg!”

People interested in nutrition after liposuction, tummy tuck diet, or cosmetic surgery nutrition often ask how much weight are they going to lose after liposuction of the stomach or how much weight will be lost after a tummy tuck. Many people will be surprised by the answer. They might love the way they look after their cosmetic operation but be surprised about the weight loss. Most of our weight is inside us and not outside. Liposuction patients might lose only a pound or so. Tummy tuck patients can also be surprised by this.

The knowledge that most of our weight is inside us underscores the importance of nutrition after liposuction or post tummy tuck diet. Significant weight loss after surgery usually leads to much more dramatic results. Right after surgery is often the best time to get the weight off and “go for it!”

People have heard that all weight loss before a tummy tuck should be “before” the operation. This is not the whole story. Yes, weight loss before the operation is recommended but “after” is also highly successful too. Weight loss before surgery is thought to be the best because all the extra skin will be present at the operation. However, the problem with this approach is that many people can’t lose the weight and that is why they want cosmetic surgery.

For people who are having problems losing the weight before hand, losing it after the operation usually works fantastic. Many people get motivated after the tummy tuck. They have spent money, recovered, and see the benefit of the operation. They don’t want to ruin it! Many people feel more comfortable in their workout cloths after surgery and now succeed in weight loss.

For most people, any weight loss after surgery only makes things even better! For most who loose 5-20 pounds after the operation, they are just going to look even better and more sculpted. It in general doesn’t create excess skin and ruin the results. It usually just makes the person thinner and enhances the results. In extreme case, such as 50- 100 pounds loss after surgery, this might make extra skin; but this usually doesn’t happen.

Weight loss after liposuction is the same situation. Liposuction diet and proper nutrition after liposuction can help a person lose weight after the liposuction. This in most situations leads to improved results. It gets rid of extra fat that wasn’t removed. It leads to enhanced results and increased satisfaction with the operation. The answer usually is lose weight- it helps!! Proper diet after cosmetic surgery, tummy tuck diet, liposuction nutrition- these are the ways we enhance results after cosmetic surgery.

Part Two will be the next educational writing.

This will cover more specifics to help you!

People interested in tummy tuck, liposuction, nutrition after tummy tuck, post tummy tuck diet, liposuction diet plan, cosmetic surgery nutrition or other topics about cosmetic surgery in Delaware or Pennsylvania should please call the office for an appointment.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Please check out the liposuction before and after photos on our web site. Also, please come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your choices and options!

Cosmetic Surgery Nutrition Delaware: Cosmetic Surgery Nutrition Pennsylvania – Part Two

This second part on cosmetic surgery nutrition and diet after cosmetic surgery will focus on more specifics to help patients get the most from their surgery and encourage loss weight. Nutrition after tummy tuck and nutrition after liposuction, in addition to general post cosmetic surgery diet, will be discussed. It is not easy! Trick diets and fad diets don’t work. It is going to take hard work and perseverance! Patients from Delaware and Pennsylvania must remember what was covered in Part One. Please review this. These plans can really work. Please see tummy tuck Delaware and tummy tuck Pennsylvania before and after photos.

“The Body is a Machine”

In general, I believe people should see their body as a machine. If more calories are burned off than put in the body, weight loss will occur. For most, the best cosmetic surgery diet or post cosmetic surgery nutrition plan is going to include counting of calories and watching strictly what we eat. Exercise is mandatory!! If we can burn off more calories than we eat, most will slowly lose weight.

A healthy body is a happy body. Eat properly, exercise regularly, don’t smoke, and get plenty of sleep. All these things are extremely important. Yes, they are easy to say and not to do. They are however still critical. Drink lots of water and avoid sodas. Many of these more simple things are the best for real and permanent weight loss.

“Study and Count Calories”

In my opinion, LA Diet and Weight Watchers are two of the best plans to help us lose weight. They are plans that focus on understanding what we eat. I recommend strongly that everyone learn about the nutrition in our food. Learn about how much fat and calories are in everything you eat. Study the nutrition labels on food packets. It actually is not hard, and quickly you can learn what is good for you and what is not.

I recommend focusing on the total calories and total fat in grams. This information is on all package labels.. These are the most important, and we don’t want to get too complicated. Things like saturated versus unsaturated fat are important, but if the fat content is low overall, than your fat intake usually is good. Someone with high cholesterol might focus on this as well, but for the average person just concentrate on fat and calories. Count total calories and record everything you eat on a daily basis. Do this for two weeks and bring it in for my review. Also record fat intake. I recommend counting the fat in “grams” eaten. The percentages of daily recommended fat will help. For example, you might find the fat grams for the day is only 95% of recommended. This would be good. However you might find your fat grams adds up to 250% of daily recommended. This is bad obviously. But now we have something to work with and to reduce to get weight loss.

Join LA Diet or Weight Watchers or most importantly buy a book or hand-book that lists food and their fat and calorie levels. Read it and look up what you eat! You will quickly learn what is good for you and what isn’t. Record what you eat every day, and write down your exercise. Keep a log! We have to study this to make the most success. I personally review this with my patients who are interested in liposuction diet or tummy tuck diet.

“Study” the calories and fat content of the food you eat. Become an expert so you know what is going into you body. It is not difficult. Soon you will be able to easily know if what your eating is healthy or not. The log mentioned above is critical to assess if the total amount going into you is appropriate or not.

Start with about 1800-2000 calories a day. Keep a record of daily exercise. With luck, you might find that a certain daily amount eaten leads to slow and steady weight loss. This is the goal. Faster weight loss will have a higher chance of not being permanent.

I study the calorie content of the foods I eat constantly. It is amazing what I learned!! Part Three will get into more detail on specific foods and recommendations on fat intake for my cosmetic surgery diet plans. But some specific examples are fun to examine. For example…

Muffins — They are extremely high in fat grams. Some will have 50% of daily fat in one muffin! I used to think these were healthy for me.
Nuts — Extremely high in fat. You can only eat about 5 nuts total. Best avoided. Often advertised as high in anti-oxidants, but are not worth the high fat content.
Mustard versus Mayonnaise
Classic yellow mustard — Basically zero fat
Mayo — 90 calories per serving and 10 gm fat =16% daily recommended
French fries and chips — Never Eat!
Veggies — Eat all you can!! Most are basically zero fat.
Hamburgers — NO!
Alcohol — HIgh in calories.
Margaritas — A favorite of mine. Can be up to 750 calories. Wow!
By studying and examining what we eat, we will maximize our cosmetic surgery nutrition or post tummy tuck diet. We will maximize or nutrition and weight loss.


Exercise is the next important aspect to lose weight. We have to exercise regularly and hard. Sweat!! If your not sweating or getting your heart rate up than it’s not hard enough exercise. Exercise every day. Cardio is the best exercise. Weights are mainly for vanity although the tone is wonderful. Burning calories thru exercise is the most important thing for you.

Some patients can’t exercise that hard because of arthritis or other limitations. In this situation, I recommend walking. Walking is fantastic. It’s the exercise of life! Have you ever seen an elderly women out walking? She is walking because she can still do it! I’ve seen 90 year old people walking. They are doing a great job and should be congratulated. Exercise regularly. If you can’t do it too hard, than walk.

Personal trainers can make a big difference for some people. It helps you with effort and focus. Some people like joining a gym to find different exercises to spice it up. Cross Train! Do spinning, aerobics, kick boxing, yoga or other activities. Get out their and burn calories. The goal is burning calories and energy. It’s not easy. “Get moving Soldier!” Make it as fun as possible. Do it with friends!

“Doctor Help”

I help my patients with liposuction diet plan, and liposuction nutrition plan, and in general diet after cosmetic surgery. This writing focuses on some of this. It reallly helps many people. However! Some doctors specialize in diet and weight lose as a full time job. I recommend people consider getting a doctor who does this. Some family doctors specialize in this. It has been shown to really help. The extra effort goes a long way.


Cosmetic surgery can really help with the overall plan of looking our best and losing weight. The two go hand in hand. Many people have plateaued and can’t make further progress. Surgery can often give a person the boost or motivation to further lose weight. In contrast to what many think, all weight does not have to be lost before surgery. Weight loss after surgery usually just makes us look better. It rarely creates extra skin unless extreme amounts of weight are lost. For the average patient, do your best before surgery. If progress with dieting has stopped, surgery can really work. It often is motivating and leads to more weight loss.

“Attitude and Effort”

Life is not always fair. Some people have slow metabolisms and have a more difficult time with diet and nutrition. Unfortunately, we can’t change our metabolism, and it might not be easy for some. We must do our best however to achieve the best we can be! Work hard and keep up strong consistent effort at diet. Hard work usually pays off! I call this “attitude and effort.” This is the mental attitude that maximizes our chance of success. Don’t give up! Keep trying. Always!

People interested in tummy tuck, liposuction, nutrition after tummy tuck, post tummy tuck diet, liposuction diet plan, cosmetic surgery nutrition or other topics about cosmetic surgery in Delaware or Pennsylvania should please call the office for an appointment.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Please check out the liposuction before and after photos on our web site. Also, please come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your choices and options!