Category Archives: Liposuction

Real-Reality of Dr. Saunders’ Liposuction Surgery Delaware

Based alone on successful surgeries performed over the years, Dr. Saunders’ competence can no longer be doubted. Aside from being a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, he performs surgeries with precision and artist level orientation so that his patients achieve maximum satisfaction after the procedure day is over. Dr. Christopher Saunders of Wilmington, DE, happens to be a straightforward surgeon as well, especially in discussing options with his patients regarding body contouring operations like liposuction.

In his well-received book “A Woman’s Guide to the ‘Real-Reality’ of Cosmetic Surgery”, Dr. Saunders underscores the importance for a patient to be educated with lipoplasty options. Generally, a liposuction surgery is intended to remove excess and stubborn body fat deposits, such as in the stomach, neck, legs, love handles, and thighs. So while liposuction is an impressive procedure, there are things it cannot do. Foremost, lipoplasty should not be first option to remove body fat: it should only be resorted to when diet and exercise do not work anymore. Your first course should be of the most natural way: sweating it out in combination with observing balanced nutrition.

Liposuction Surgery Delaware is helpful in making your fatty body areas flatter and in creating a more desirable contour, but the procedure cannot work to tighten loose skin or muscles. If you have stretch marks before liposuction, you are most likely to retain such marks after liposuction. Hence, Dr. Saunders will evaluate you, upon consultation, on an individual basis. If necessary, he will recommend for skin removal or muscle tightening procedures to be incorporated with lipoplasty. The Delaware Plastic Surgeon will see to it that you are given choices, and made aware of procedures that can give you a much better result and a more sculpted appearance.

Moreover, Dr. Saunders will explain to you that there are different lipo techniques to remove body fat – and that one technique may be ideal for your particular body contour, but it’s not necessarily the same case for other people. You will be educated, furthermore, on several other aspects of lipoplasty, such as pre-op instructions and post-op recovery steps.

If interested with this procedure, schedule now a personal consult with Dr. Saunders. You may do so by contacting our office at (302) 652-3331 or via this Online Reservation Form.

General Overview in Undergoing Male Liposuction Surgery in Delaware

It is a reality that a lot of women go through liposuction surgery procedures to suction out and remove excess fat from the body. Women generally undergo lipo to achieve a firmer and tighter body contour, especially in the stomach area and love handles. The other reality is that many men seek to achieve the same, too. After all, having body contour issues and seeking to improve them are also experienced by men.

With extensive experience in male surgical procedures, Delaware Plastic Surgeon Dr. Christopher Saunders offers male liposuction surgery with exceptional skill and safety. Aside from typical problem areas in the tummy and flanks, he also performs male lipo that targets hips, buttocks, waist, thighs, knees, chin, cheeks, neck, or upper arms.

Since the primary goal is to remove extra body fat to attain an ideal body contour, liposuction is sometimes combined with other procedures to remove excess skin in problematic areas such as tummy, thighs, and arms. Moreover, some men undergoing gynecomastia (or the surgical procedure to reduce “man boobs”) may also necessitate liposuction as a component procedure.

Once a man considers having a liposuction surgery, he will do well if, foremost, he chooses a board-certified plastic surgeon with substantial experience in lipoplasty, like Dr. Saunders. He should make an ally in his surgeon to achieve his desired cosmetic goals, as well as to be provided with clear overview on the surgery risks and recovery steps.

Dr. Saunders is widely known for giving each his patients with realistic information from the possible outcome to potential risks. He will help patients arrive at a decision on whether to go for the surgery or not – he will not be the one to make such decision himself.

Moreover, Dr. Saunders utilizes the latest techniques in performing liposuction surgeries, including tumescence and liposculpturing. These techniques are known for giving the best results in removing body fat – using the smallest cannula and with the least risks.

For more of this treatment, schedule now a consultation with Dr. Saunders by contacting us through this Email Contact Form or via (302) 652-3331.

Wilmington Liposuction – Body Contouring

Many people, men and women alike, are dissatisfied with an area of their body that has been resistant to the effects of diet and exercise. Genetics can play a large role in where we gain and hold on to weight. If you are in good health, but have localized pockets of fat, you may be a good candidate for Wilmington Liposuction.

Liposuction is a procedure in which tiny incisions are made in the troubled area, and a long, skinny tube, called a cannula, is inserted which vacuums out the excess fat cells. Liposuction can be performed on virtually any area of the body from the face and neck to the arms, stomach, “love handles,” and thighs. Often a Liposuction procedure may be performed in conjunction with other Body Contouring procedures like a Tummy Tuck.

Contact our office today to learn more about how you could benefit from the effects of Liposuction.

Nutrition: Diet after Cosmetic Surgery – Post Cosmetic Surgery Diet – Part Three

This educational writing will cover an overview on my recommendations for diet after cosmetic surgery or post cosmetic surgery diet. Also. this includes post tummy tuck diet, liposuction nutrition, and liposuction diet plan. As discussed before, there are no tricks or fad diets that work well. Diet after cosmetic surgery or diets in general are hard work and require effort. As I have said in a prior writing, I recommend strong attitude and continued effort to achieve the best weight loss and diet. Exercise regularly and don’t eat crap! This is a good overall motivating phrase. As part of a comprehensive cosmetic surgery nutrition plan, this writing will give sound tips and things to avoid to help you. Please also see the liposuction before and after photos on the web page.

Why the focus on fat?

There are two main reasons for this. Fat has 9 calories per gm of food. Protein and carbs have about 4-5 calories per gm. This means you have to burn off double the amount of calories for fat as compared to protein and carbs! This is a huge difference. If you eat 100 gm of pure carbs, you will have to burn off about 400 calories to stay even. Eat 100 gm of fat and you have to burn off 900 calories. This is why fats are so important to monitor in any diet after cosmetic surgery.

Another reason is that diets focused on fat reduction have been shown to have high and long term success. Like Weight Watchers and LA Diet programs, counting of calories and fat can really “work” for the long run. “Fad” diets often have high rebound weight gain after short periods of time.

Overall, keep in mind wise and intelligent advice for proper nutrition and diet.

Eat and drink smart.
Watch out for poor foods high in calories. Be careful of too much alcohol, soda, and other high calorie drinks.
Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise burns calories and promotes health. It is good for the heart, blood pressure, and just about everything else. Mental health is dramatically helped by regular exercise.
Get educated on food.
This educational writing is done to help you with this process. It is actually easy. Soon you will know what to look out for and what is good.
Try and try again.
Like quitting smoking, keep up the effort to lose weight. Don’t give up. With perseverance most people will succeed.
Doctors and programs.
There are doctors who do nothing but help you with diet and weight loss. Programs are readily available which will increase your chance of success.
Watch these misleading things that can trick you. A tummy tuck diet plan or a liposuction diet plan should focus on learning information to recognize things that “aren’t” correct and are “not” good nutritional advice. Here are some important ones.

This has been a big advertising campaign from many food sellers. From green tea to certain nuts, diets high in antioxidants are claimed to be healthy and promote longer life span. A recent major medical study was published in The Journal of Epidemioloogy. The study showed long term antioxidant supplementation has “no” effect on health related quality of life! It is just food companies wanting to make money. We get all the antioxidants we need with a normal diet. Extra is not beneficial!
Zero gms of trans fat.
Advertisements for food and labels can be misleading. The idea is that lower levels of “bad” fat are better. Trans fat or saturated fats are less healthy than unsaturated ones. However, this doesn’t mean the fat content isn’t high. Some foods are horribly high in fat, but low or zero in trans fat. These foods are not health and you should not be tricked by it. Look at total fat content. This is the key number.
Two examples:
Cheetos – zero trans fat. However total fat is 24gm or 48% of daily recommended!!
Lays chips – zero trans fat. However total fat is 27gm or 54% !!
Beware of low or fat free food advertisements.
Similar claims to number 2 above. Fat is important but calories can make you fat. For example, Soda, beer, alcohols, and pasta can add significant calories. They have little to no fat. Remember, Cows get fat on grass.
Watch snacks.
Potato chip and tortilla chips have a high fat content. Some have 1 gm per chip. Think how many chips you might eat. If you eat 10, this is 10 gms of fat = 20% of daily recommended fat. And it’s just the snack!!!
Watch out for most fast foods and fried foods.
The foods at fast food restaurants often are extremely high in fat and calories. A hamburger and French fries can be over 1000 calories and over 100% of fat for the day. It’s only one meal!!
Low carb diets often don’t work well.
Stick to diets that count total calories and fat. Carbs should make up about 40-60% of your diet. Low carb diets are not recommended by me, and they can be nutritionally unwise with deficiencies. Also, they tend to be part of “fad” diets that don’t work well or maintain benefits of weight loss. Total calories are the most important to count.
Try to cut refined sugars or carbs.
Coke, sodas, candies, and cakes are almost pure sugar. They are empty calories with little nutrients.
Remember these five facts to help with general health, cosmetic surgery nutrition, and diet after cosmetic surgery.

Watch soda!
High in calories and without any nutrition.
Cut fast foods and eating out!
High in calories and fat. Many hidden calories.
No super sizes and watch out for large portions!
Guaranteed to get way too much fat and calories.
A large French fries at Mcdonald’s is 500 calories and 25 gms of fat!
Minimize snacks!
Potato chips, cookies, dips, and many snacks are fat promoting.
It also is a bad habit or “eating behavior.” See below.
Get moving.
Exercise! Burn calories. Be healthy.
Eating behaviors.

Good habits are important to learn. Bad habits are tough to break!

Don’t eat and watch tv. Eat at the table only.
Eat slowly.
Don’t buy “bad” food items. i.e. (potato chips, candies, fatty foods)
Buy good snacks and small sizes.
Plan meals.
Watch urges.
Say no! You don’t need the second margarita or that dessert.
Keep a food and exercise journal.

This is extremely helpful to help figure out if your diet and exercise program are working. Record everything. This allows adjustments to allow better weight loss and stability.

Record diet and exercise.
Develops control- “not eating or refraining.”
Prevents forgetting what has been eaten.
To begin a diet after cosmetic surgery or to begin any nutritional diet plan, we start with total calories and total fat goals. I like starting with 1500 calories and 50 gms of fat for women. For men, i recommend 2000 calories and 50 gms of fat. 50 gms of fat is a great number because the amount eaten in a meal or snack can be doubled to give an easy percentage that shows how much fat there is. For example, if you eat large french fries at McDonald’s, you eat 25 gms of fat. Double this and you find that you have just eaten 50% of your daily fat!
The 1500 calories is a starting point. It can be adjusted up or down depending on your results. Your journal should cover detailed exercise as well. If you exercise more- than calories allowed will go up.

Remember: Eat like a queen for breakfast, a princess for lunch, and a commoner for dinner. Studies have shown that late night meals and big dinners are associated with signifiant weight loss. Eating earlier in the day allows for your body to more naturally burn off the calories and leads to weight loss.

People interested in tummy tuck, liposuction, nutrition after tummy tuck, post tummy tuck diet, liposuction diet, cosmetic surgery nutrition or other topics about cosmetic surgery in Delaware or Pennsylvania should please call the office for an appointment.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Also, please come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your choices and options!

Delaware Body Contouring – Understanding Liposuction

General Concepts

Liposuction is a phenomenal operation but realistic expectations are essential. Liposuction removes excess and unwanted fat from defined areas.  The areas treated commonly are the neck, stomach, legs, love handles, and thighs.  Patients love liposuction.  It’s one of the most commonly performed cosmetic operations in America.  It is extremely safe, and the recovery is reasonably easy.  Most patients having liposuction have very high satisfaction and would do it again, given the chance.  But, the single most important concept is what liposuction does not do. It does not tighten loose skin or muscles. The “Real-Reality” is liposuction makes you “a smaller version of you”.  If your stomach jiggles, it will still jiggle after liposuction.  If you have stretch marks, you will still have stretch marks after liposuction. If you have loose muscles, you will still have loose muscles after liposuction. Liposuction removes excess and unwanted fat; it does not tighten loose skin or tighten weak muscles. After liposuction you become “a smaller version of you”. You do not, however, get hanging skin after liposuction. This would be a worse version of you. Realistic expectations of what liposuction will do for you is extremely important and one of the main concepts to understand if you are considering liposuction.

It helps to understand the anatomy. The skin is the part of the body that we see.  The skin may contain stretch marks, dimples, cellulite, and can be loose.  Beneath the skin is the fat.  This is the area treated with liposuction.  Beneath the fat are the muscles of the body.  People who have excess fat might desire liposuction.  However, these other anatomic areas can contribute to the success or failure of the operation.  Loose skin or weak muscles can significantly diminish the benefit of liposuction.  Liposuction addresses the excess fat only; it does not tighten weak muscles or remove loose or damaged skin.  If we consider a particular anatomic area such as the outer thighs or “saddlebag” area, it is common for people to have excess and unwanted fat in this area.  Muscle tone in the legs is usually normal and muscle tightening would never be done.  Poor muscle tone in this area does not contribute to a poor appearance.  However, loose skin and stretch marks can be a problem.  And these skin issues will not be significantly changed with liposuction. Liposuction works on the fat excess only.  The skin does not shrink significantly; the skin will not act like “Saran wrap”.  The skin will not hang however.  People ask, “What will I look like after liposuction?”  I believe the best answer is that you become “a smaller version of you”.  Liposuction only addresses the fat and does not change any inherent skin looseness or weak muscle tone.  You do not get worse hanging skin after liposuction.  You do not become a worse version of you.  If you have liposuction and you have excess and unwanted fat removed, you become a more attractive and “smaller version” of you.  This is not bad news; this is good news.  This is the “Real-Reality” of liposuction.  Understanding this concept is essentially the most important aspect about understanding the operation.  It is an understanding of realistic expectations and realistic results.

Sometimes I will see patients in consultation, who I believe have unrealistic expectations. The person might be hoping for a result that liposuction just can not achieve. Many times I have seen women come in to the office asking for leg liposuction and they show me “The Pull.”  What is “The Pull?”  It is when a woman grabs her legs in the upper thighs   and pulls her leg skin up, lifting and pushing the loose skin into the groin area. When a woman does “The Pull” the skin is dramatically improved.  This maneuver gets rid of excess skin and improves cellulite and stretch marks.  However, this is what liposuction does not do.  This is not “a smaller version of you.”  This is an unrealistic improvement and an unrealistic result that liposuction cannot achieve. When I see a patient like this, extra time is spent, going over the concepts and principles described above. Liposuction addresses excess and unwanted fat.  It does not achieve this unrealistic “Pull” of skin.  It is extremely important to understand what liposuction does and does not do.

If we consider the abdominal area, muscles can be significantly weakened by surgery or having children.  C-sections or other abdominal operations can also contribute to this abdominal weakness. This muscle weakness can substantially contribute to an undesired appearance in the stomach area. In contrast to the leg area described above, weak stomach muscles can be a major factor giving a woman a fat looking stomach.  As described above, liposuction treats only excess and unwanted fat.  It will not treat weak muscles.  Women who have had children typically also have significant loose skin.  Liposuction will not treat this loose skin.  However, treatments are available for loose skin and weak muscles.  Liposuction alone does not address these issues.  This is an important concept that is being reemphasized.  If a patient is 18 years old and has excess and unwanted fat in the stomach area, then liposuction is probably the best option for her.  If she has not had any children or surgery, loose skin and weak muscles are probably not a factor.  However if the patient is 40 years old and has had three children, she might have significant muscle weakness, stretch marks, and loose skin.  Liposuction alternatives or options to this patient would be a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck.  These operations would address loose skin and weak muscles. (These operations are considered in extensive detail in another chapter.) Liposuction sucks out excess fat and addresses only the fat, not the muscles or skin. This does not mean that liposuction is the wrong operation.  An understanding of options is critical.  A liposuction operation alone would make a significant improvement to the area treated.  The patient would become “a smaller version of what she is”. A tummy tuck however might give more dramatic results and make the patient even smaller or thinner in the abdominal area.  This improved result would be because the tummy tuck addresses the loose skin and weak muscles and gives an enhanced improvement compared to liposuction alone. Tummy tuck cost and liposuction cost differ with liposuction cost being much less usually. Tummy tuck recovery and liposuction recovery differ with liposuction recovery being much easier.

Dr. Saunders is a board certified plastic surgeon who practices exclusively cosmetic surgery. Delaware plastic surgery, West Chester plastic surgery, and Media plastic surgery patients are extremely close to his deluxe state licensed cosmetic surgery center. Please check out the surgical center by visiting it on our web site.

Patients interested in liposuction cost, liposuction recovery, liposuction alternatives, or liposuction side effects are encouraged to make a complimentary consultation by calling the office. Please also look at the liposuction before and after pictures!