Postoperative instructions: Rhinoplasty

It is important to read the general postoperative instruction sheet also. These plastic surgery postoperative instructions or cosmetic surgery postoperative instructions are meant to be as thorough and complete as possible. However please don’t hesitate to call for any questions or concerns!

“Simple Yet Strict”

Recovering from rhinoplasty surgery can be surprisingly easy. Follow the simple instructions provided by Dr. Saunders. Yet these instructions are strict. They should be followed closely. These instructions are based on decades of experience. Please follow the instructions carefully and maximize your chance of healing uneventfully! No smoking, nicotine patches or nicotine gum until further notice! This is extremely important!

Head elevation:

It is very important to keep the head elevated at all times. This includes sleeping. This can be done in a lounge chair or in bed with multiple pillows. Please maintain at least a 45° angle. Head elevation is important to minimize bruising and swelling and to aid healing.

Rest and relax: “Whisper”

The word “whisper” is trying to convey a concept. The face heals best in an atmosphere of calm and relaxation. Many activities can lead to elevation of the blood pressure in the head and increase bruising and swelling. This can delay healing. Any type of bearing down can lead to increased blood pressure in the head. Please avoid straining, lifting, loud speech, and of course yelling and screaming. Although not easy, please avoid coughing, sneezing, or nausea and vomiting. In general, try and rest and relax to promote healthy healing, minimize problems and to speed resolution of bruising and swelling.

Packs, splints, and bandages:

The packs inside the nose must remain in place approximately 2–5 days. They stay in longer if you have had a septoplasty. Sometimes they will come out of the nose slightly. Use a clean finger to push them back in. Do not remove the packs as this can stir up bleeding. The drip pad under the nose is mainly for hygiene. It can be changed as necessary. Expect more bleeding the day of surgery and the day after surgery. This gradually decreases with time. Do not remove the splint. This comes off after approximately one week.


It is okay to shower but keep the nose and splint dry. Make sure the temperature of the water is not too hot as a steamy shower can cause the splint to sweat off. We do not want this to happen as it is not possible to replace it.


Take your antibiotics as prescribed. Rhinoplasty surgery usually has minimal pain. Be careful of taking the pain pill which can lead to nausea and vomiting. If the pain is minimal please take Tylenol.

Dr. Saunders cell phone 302-584-8407 (texting preferred)