Facial Fillers After Care Instructions


Most patients have no problems after facial filler treatments. These treatments include Restylane, Juvederm, Sculptra, Radiesse, and most facial filler treatments. Overall, it is extremely safe with very high satisfaction! The most common problem is not having realistic expectations. Fillers cannot always last as long as desired or improve wrinkles as much as hoped. Fillers do not “get rid of” all your wrinkles. Patient should expect “significant improvement” not complete wrinkle removal. If a patient doesn’t get the result they want, often the answer is more filler!! This means purchasing more product. This is really not a problem; extra filler can be safely added shortly after the first treatment or at any time. This usually leads to improved results and increased satisfaction! If extra product is needed to get the desired result, the office strives to give you the best price and discount for the needed filler.

General Care After Fillers

  1. Bruising and Swelling – ice as much as you can for the first several days. 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off – five times a day. Extra icing can definitely help.
  2. Headache Pain or Pain at Injection Site – Tylenol or Motrin usually is all that is required.
  3. Redness, Welts, and, Itching – Benadryl is best. Available over the counter.
  4. Lumps or Bumps – massage with constant pressure to the area for two minutes. Repeat five times a day.
  5. Results – Understand Realistic Results. Additional treatments require more product and have additional expense.

Potential Facial Fillers Side Effects

  1. Bruising and Swelling – Recovering from fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra usually is extremely easy. Most people have minimal to no bruising and can resume normal activity immediately. Occasionally, someone gets unlucky and gets more bruising. Although disappointing, it is important to understand it will not affect the result of the filler. It just takes time for the bruise to resolve. Makeup can be used to hide the bruising following these procedures.
  2. Headache or Pain – Headache or pain at the injection area also can happen after fillers. This is usually very little minor and goes away quickly. Dr. Saunders recommends Tylenol or Motrin for this kind of headache or pain.
  3. Redness, Welts, and Itching – Minor redness or welts can occur after filler such as Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, or Sculptra. Sometimes you will get itching as well. This is normal and please do not worry. Benadryl is recommended for this problem and symptoms.
  4. Lumps or Bumps – This sounds scary but is not common in Dr. Saunders practice. Most lumps are just fluid or some bruising from the injection and will get better quickly. If you feel lumpy spots, push on the spot with continual pressure for about two minutes. Repeat this five times a day. This is called “massage” and helps resolve bruising, swelling, or any lumpiness. In extremely rare cases, a product can be used to dissolve the hyaluronic acid in the fillers. This is also easy and works great. It is not very uncommon to need this after cosmetic facial fillers.
  5. Results – It is extremely important to have realistic expectations with the results of fillers. Most patients are extremely happy with fillers for cheeks, fillers for lips, fillers for folds, and other facial filler uses. However, fillers do not “get rid of” all your wrinkles. Patient should expect “significant improvement” not complete wrinkle removal. If a patient doesn’t get the result they want, often the answer is more filler!! This means purchasing more product. Some people should be aware that surgery might be a better choice than the filler. If the results aren’t as much as they want or desire, a cosmetic facelift procedure or a cosmetic eyelid procedure might be another choice or better option. The surgery can really give rejuvenation on a much bigger scale then fillers. Please see Dr. Saunders book “A Women’s Guide to the Real-Reality of Cosmetic Surgery” in the menu tab for a thorough discussion of the options and choices. Or checkout the before and after facelift photos and facial rejuvenation eye lift procedure section in the menu tab. The before and after facelift photos are very impressive, and if you want results like this, then surgery is the better option- not fillers.

Fillers are gradually absorbed and don’t always last as long as desired. Fillers last a different amount of time. Restylane and Juvederm, which are hyaluronic acid fillers, last about 6-12 months. Radiesse tends to last up to 18 months and is a calcium-based filler. Sculptra can last up to a couple of years. The longer lasting fillers are more expensive than the hyaluronic acid fillers. How long fillers last (of all types) is not dependent on the doctor, but on how quickly you absorb it. If it is absorbed early, it isn’t bad, just a fact of how quickly your body metabolizes it. In this case it can be disappointing but nothing is wrong. Additional product can be purchased and is usually the answer. It can be safely added at any time and usually gives better results and satisfaction!

Contact the office

If you have additional concerns after your treatment, please don’t hesitate to call the office. You can also call or text Dr. Saunders on his cell phone. 302-584-8407. (texting is preferred)

If you have other questions about facial fillers cost, facial fillers cosmetic issues, facial fillers lumps, or facial fillers risks please call Dr. Saunders or the office. Thank You!