Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that enhances, enlarges, and reshapes the buttock. This is a wonderful operation that can transform the buttock area, making it fuller, rounder, and more attractive. This procedure has become increasingly popular, and I use advanced techniques to achieve results that I believe can be truly impressive. I wrote this educational writing at the request of a patient from Newark, DE. Please see the video on BBL linked here, where I performed the operation on a model.
What is a BBL?
The BBL is actually two operations combined into one. The first part of the surgery entails liposculpting to get the fat for transfer. This is called “harvesting” the fat. I use what is considered the GOLD STANDARD. This is the advanced technique of liposculpting and tumescence to harvest the fat. This liposuction technique allows for the safest, smoothest, and best removal of fat. In my opinion, it gives the best results. The liposuction allows for the collection of fat that will be used for transfer to the buttock area. The fat is processed with techniques that are gentle and soft, so the fat is not damaged or harmed. This leads to better survival and success of the fat transfer.
The liposuction is done to desired areas of the body that have excess fat. This typically is the stomach, love handles, and legs. The areas treated should have a more attractive and smaller look after the liposuction. This is a big part of the procedure, as the benefits of the liposuction can be long lasting and extremely successful. The BBL gives benefit in the areas treated with liposuction and also improves the appearance of the buttock. It’s almost like two operations in one!
Fat Processing and Transfer
The second part of the BBL is the processing of the fat. After processing, it is injected delicately into the buttock area. This can be designed and tailored to the patient’s desires and goals. The fat can be injected all over the buttock or in specific areas that the patient might want larger. The fat transfer is done in multiple levels and surgical planes. This is believed to allow for better blood supply to the fat. The better blood supply leads to better survival and retention of the fat. The Brazilian Butt Lift result can be an amazingly round, full, and attractive buttock area.
One of the most important things to understand about the procedure is that the fat can be resorbed and can gradually disappear. Unfortunately, no doctor can promise that all of the fat will live or survive. Some of the fat will gradually resorb. With the latest techniques, studies have shown that much of the fat can last for years and some can be permanent.
The recovery is actually easy for most patients, and they can plan to be in a compression garment for about a month. Patients should plan on some drainage the first several days after surgery. It’s important to keep off the buttock for four weeks, as pressure can harm the fat and cause it to heal less well. Light exercise can be resumed after ten days approximately. Unlimited exercise can be resumed in a month.
The Brazillian Butt Lift surgery can give dramatic and beautiful results to the woman interested. I use the latest techniques for this operation using fat transfer to the buttock. Please view my before and after photos to see additional results. Also, the video on BBL is extremely interesting to watch. Please come in for a complimentary consultation. I will review the operation and specifics with you in detail.